Your Regional Veteran Community Worker – Kate Husband


Kate served in the RAF for 12 years (plus 4 years previously in the RNXS), leaving in 1996, prior to spending 25 years as an Occupational Therapist (OT) in mental health services.

Kate identifies as LGBT+ and having served prior to the lifting of the ban is well aware of the difficulties and challenges faced having been one of the ‘hidden’ who felt the need to deny their true self in order to do the job they felt so proud in doing that of serving their country. During her OT years, she encountered many veterans requiring treatment, support & input and is well-versed in the difficulties encountered by ex-forces personnel.

Kate is a strong advocate for LGBT+ issues, becoming involved in this community, and is currently thoroughly enjoying being part of Northern Proud Voices, a community choir based in Newcastle for LGBT+ and allies. Having just moved back up to Tyneside after many years away she is getting immersed in revitalising her garden, getting out and about in the beautiful countryside, and remembering just what a friendly and social hub Newcastle is. Kate is very proud to be a member of the Fighting With Pride Team and is looking forward to the positive work we can do within and for our family of LGBT+ veterans.


Regional Drop-in Session(s)

Calling all LGBT+ Veterans and serving personnel in the North East, Cumbria and Yorkshire.

WHAT: We have started our monthly social meet-up group to bring together all LGBT+ Veterans in a safe, supportive and like-minded place where we can socialise, have a chat and a general get-together.  Sandwiches will be provided (you will need to purchase your own drinks).

WHY: It’s hard to find an inclusive gathering that fits all our needs in one place but is also understanding and accepting of our experiences, so having a monthly meet-up will do just that.

WHERE:  BOBBYS BAR, 78 Scotswood Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7JH
(Handy for parking, buses and Metro & Trains at Central Station)
Bobby’s Newcastle – Gay Friendly, Pub,  Newcastle (

TBC – please contact Kate for more information

Feedback from our Events:  Everyone feels it was such a friendly welcoming atmosphere, relaxed and chilled, and just allowed people to talk, get to know each other and have a bit of banter and a laugh.  The attendees said the venue was ideal as it is a safe, welcoming space, at that time of the day it was quiet (which made it easier if you were on your own as there was only us there) and the sandwiches were a hit….. all said they would come again.   So if you are interested please come along we are a friendly bunch.
We know that people are spread far and wide but we need to start this somewhere and eventually hope to replicate this in other places over time.

CONTACT: Kate Husband    to register your attendance or to ask for more details.

Regional Pride Events

Pride events for the region have finished for this year. We will try and get involved in as many local 2024 prides as we possibly can and it would be great if you could come along and support us. We will let you know the details as we get information and post them here and in our Newsletter.

Keep Updated!

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