Dear FWP Community
Today we launch Operation Crescendo, which will bring to a conclusion our 5 years work with you and our amazing partners to secure financial reparations for LGBT veterans and their families. Op Crescendo begins with a call to every veteran, supporter and organisation to act in support of fair financial reparations for LGBT veterans and families. We are not alone, hundreds of veterans and LGBT organisations stand in our vanguard and will contribute to Op Crescendo. Together our voices will be loud and our message simple – £50M will not bring justice! For you, your families and your comrades, please help Operation Crescendo and together we will win.
The first stage of Operation Crescendo is to prepare Parliament for the long promised Parliamentary debate on the Governments plans for financial reparations for LGBT Veterans. Ahead of that, we want every MP in Parliament to understand the ban, to know of its cruelty and we want to raise awareness of its impact upon your whole lives. This morning, all 660 Members of the UK Parliament received a personlised letter from FWP seeking their support, you can see a copy of this letter here. We want to compel your MP to be at the debate to represent you. Those who faced horrendous Military Police and medical investigations, those who were dismissed, forced to resign or who served sentences in detention or prison have the most compelling of stories which have impact. We are extremely grateful to those who are able to tell of their awful experiences. But this ‘call to arms’ is for everyone. If you held on in the Armed Forces with gritted teeth or left because you could no longer tolerate the abuse or if you survived the ban – you experiences count too. Every one of you was wronged and every one of you has the chance to give Op Crescendo greater impact. When this comes to Parliament we want to fill the chamber with supporting MPs.
Please write to your MPs now and if you are able ask to meet your MPs. If this is daunting, you can also ask us to come with you – that might be a VCW or a Trustee or even possibly an agreed fellow veteran. Or you can ask your MP to meet with me in Westminster. If you need help with the letter, please get in touch. Im also happy to do 15 minute calls to guide you or you can ask your VCW for help. If you have already written to your MP, a few months ago or your MP is one of the 335 newbies, please write again. In the months ahead, your own voices will be hugely influential. Most of your MPs are compassionate, caring and committed to public service. If you are able, please let your own voices be heard, nothing is more compelling than the stories you tell.
Inevitably the churn of campaign will return us to difficult days. If you need help and support please let Caroline and the team know. There are brilliant talking therapies available to you at no charge through NHS Op Courage, Combat Stress, Walking With The Wounded and Help for Heroes. These services are provided for LGBT veterans affected by the ‘gay ban’. Caroline and the VCW team can help you make the connections (or you can self refer). Nobody needs to be alone in the challenges they face.
Thank you for your amazing support, your ideas and your hard work in this campaign. Thank you for opening doors and pushing us through them. Thank you for supporting FWP as we champion your cause, thank you for being fantastic advocates for our work. Solidarity has been our strength, we no longer ‘a few’ we are many.
Over the years we have said that there will be a moment to grab a bin lid and a pitchfork- this is it.
Thank you