On 12 December 2024, the Government announced the LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme. This enables those impacted by the Ban while serving in HM Armed Forces, between 27 July 1967 and 11 January 2000, to apply for recognition payments.
This guide is intended as a short FWP summary for overview of the Government’s FR Scheme, and is a living document that will be updated as more, amended or new information is received by FWP.
Reference Documents
How to Apply: LGBT_Financial_Recognition_Scheme_guide_-_How_to_apply_.pdf
Scheme Rules: LGBT_Financial_Recognition_Scheme_-_scheme_rules.pdf
FAQs: LGBT_Financial_Recognition_Scheme_-_FAQs.pdf
Full Scheme details and rules should be consulted before applying for the scheme and these are provided in the MOD Documents listed and linked above.
The LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme was developed to meet Lord Etherton’s LGBT Veterans Independent Review (IR) Report Reparation Recommendations R28 and R29, accepted by Government on 12th December 2023. These are 2 of the 49 recommendations made by the IR, 47 being non-financial reparations whilst R28 and R29 concern financial payments. All Reparations Recommendations are accessible at LGBT veterans: support and next steps – GOV.UK
The FR Scheme opened for Application at 0900 GMT 13th December 2024, and closes at 2359 on 12thDecember 2026. No applications will be accepted after the closing date.
Full details can be found at: Veterans of the LGBT Ban: Financial Recognition Scheme – GOV.UK
Trigger Warning. Please be aware that completing the application process, including reading the Scheme Rules, requires recounting experiences that may cause distress. We would recommend preparing your narrative(s) in a document separate to the Application Form beforehand. This ensures you retain a copy, but also means when ready to apply, your document can be drag and dropped into the online Application, or pasted or uploaded, as directed in the application process. If you are anxious or have any concerns, please consider completing your narrative details in company, or reach out for support. You can contact us at FWP Get in Touch or speak with your regional FWP VCW. For details of who they are, see Veteran Community Team.
Please get in touch with us if you would like advice or support with your application.
Make a Considered Application. Please don’t feel pressurised to rush an application. Information you might want to include in your submission might not be at the forefront of your mind at the time. Conversations at a later date with others about such schemes, often jog memories and revive details you may have wished to include. Allow yourself time to create a comprehensive and impactful statement. Once the application is submitted, there is only a 2-week window to make any edits or additions.
Application Tracking. The progress of submitted online applications can be tracked using the FR Scheme App. Details in the Gov.UK Guides.
A Defence Gateway login/registration is required first for confirmation of service identity, access to the application stage App and for payments to be processed.
DownloadYour Application. The application Saves when you go to NEXT Page or at the end of a section, but we recommend keeping copy as you go, and you will be invited to download a copy when you submit your application online. Please download a copy when it is complete.
Hard Copy Applications. The FR Scheme also offers the option of submitting a hard copy application by post, for those who don’t have online access or resources to use the online application process. The Veterans UK Helpline, will provide a copy of the application form on request, together with a return envelope. Hard Copy access is covered below.
Reverse Burden of Proof. Under the LGBT FR Scheme, a reverse burden of proof will apply. This means that the burden of proof will lie with the MOD rather than the applicant to determine whether a fact or matter occurred.
Wills. We strongly encourage everyone to have an up-to-date Will in place. In regards to the FR Scheme, it means your ‘estate’ can receive payment in accordance with your wishes, should your death occur after the application has already been submitted but before a decision or determination on the application is reached. Following due diligence checks, the application can continue being processed for payment, in accordance with your wishes. There are a number of charities that offer free basic wills, usually in anticipation of a voluntary donation within the Will.
Types of FR. The scheme comprises of two types of Financial Recognition payments with a total of £75M set aside for payments. The two FR types will be run concurrently.
a. LGBT Dismissed or Discharged (DD) Payment. This payment will be available to those who were dismissed or administratively discharged, including Officers who were ordered or instructed to resign or retire by their respective Service Board, solely on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity during the Ban. A financial provision has been set aside of £50M for LGBT DD Payments. LGBT Dismissed or Discharged Payment – £50,000
b. LGBT Impact Payment. This payment will be available to those who fulfil the criteria in one of the levels (Levels 1 to 3) as outlined in the LGBT Impact Payment eligibility criteria. Applicants eligible for DD Payment can also apply for Impact Payments. A financial provision has been set aside of £25M for LGBT Impact Payments.
LGBT Impact Payment Levels | Financial Recognition Tariff Range |
Level 1 | £1,000 to £5,000 |
Level 2 | £5,001 to £10,000 |
Level 3 | £10,001 to £20,000 |
The LGBT FR Scheme is open to any individual who served during the period of the Ban and who meets the eligibility criteria for a LGBT FR payment. This includes veterans* and serving personnel who served within the period of the Ban (1967 to Jan 2000) who meet the eligibility criteria.
Applications can be completed on the individual’s behalf by their legal representative. Legal Representative means a person authorised by an individual to act on their behalf where they are not able to do so themselves. this could be someone who has Power of Attorney (or an overseas equivalent), someone nominated in a letter written by the applicant, or a legal professional such as a solicitor. The Legal Representative is not eligible to submit an application on behalf of a deceased veteran who did not apply before they died.
* A Veteran is defined as an individual who served within HM Armed Forces for at least one day.
Note: The LGBT FR Scheme is not open to any individual who did not serve during the period of the Ban and does not meet the eligibility criteria of the type of FR payment which they applied for. The Scheme is not open to any relatives, family members or persons of significance of a veteran who has died but did serve during the period of the Ban.
LGBT Dismissed or Discharged Payments (DD): Anyone who was dismissed or administratively discharged based solely on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, from 27 July 1967 to 11 January 2000. DD includes Officers who were ordered or instructed to resign or retire by their respective Service Board, solely on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity during the Ban. DD Payment does not include those individuals who left at the end of their contract, or who purchased their discharge as of right, or who opted not to extend their contracts, or who submitted their notice to terminate their contracts. These individuals can apply for a LGBT Impact Payment.
LGBT Impact Payment: The applicant has to have served in HM Armed Forces between 27 July 1967 and 11 January 2000. The applicant has to have submitted an application which describes the impact which the Ban had on them personally during the period of their service in HM Armed Forces up to the point they left service.
This includes anyone who/whose:
(1) Suffered mental or physical harm (including physical and sexual assault) related to the Ban.
(2) Was investigated by either the Service Police or their Chain of Command in relation to the Ban.
(3) Lived experience suffered because of the culture within the Services which was directly related to the Ban.
(4) Experienced any bullying/harassment, verbal or physical abuse which was directly related to the Ban.
(5) (6) Felt pressured to leave HM Armed Forces because of the Ban. Was subject to invasive investigations by the Service Police, including off base surveillance, outing of their sexuality or gender identity to their family and friends.
(7) Who was imprisoned due to an offence related to the Ban.
(8) Was forced to undergo medical tests or ‘treatments’ which were related to the Ban.
The level of the LGBT Impact Payment will be determined by an Independent Panel (IP) based on the details submitted within the application describing what the applicant experienced during their service in HM Armed Forces. Applications can be supported by any evidence supplied by the applicant and any evidence which can be found within service records. See Reverse Burden of Proof.
Reverse Burden of Proof. Under the LGBT FR Scheme, a reverse burden of proof will apply. This means that the burden of proof will lie with the MOD rather than the applicant to determine whether a fact or matter occurred. Unless the MOD finds evidence to contradict the reported events or facts stated by the applicant, the MOD will accept that the facts or experiences reported took place if on a balance of probabilities, they are more likely to have occurred than not.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Income Tax Exemption. It is anticipated that the required legislation will be in place to deliver the income tax exemption in early 2025.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Benefits Exemptions. The DWP has agreed to the introduction of an indefinite capital disregard of the LGBT FR Scheme payment for means tested benefits. It is anticipated that the disregard will be introduced in spring 2025. Once the disregard is in place, applicants should retain their FR Scheme decision or determination letters as they may be asked for such by the DWP.
Appeal Process
The LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme Appeals process will allow individuals to challenge or request a review of decisions if they believe they were incorrect according to certain criteria. Applications will be reviewed by an Appeal Board, on a case-by-case basis. Further information will be available when the Scheme goes live at gov.uk/lgbt-veterans-support-and-next-steps
Online Applications
The Financial Recognition Scheme has a dedicated online application which can be accessed through the Defence Gateway platform. An App has been designed so that applicants can check the progress of their application at any time, and it will be used to communicate with applicants directly. We recommend using the online application process. Veterans of the LGBT Ban: Financial Recognition Scheme – GOV.UK
Applicants can use any browser to access the Defence Gateway and their application on the Financial Recognition Scheme App.
Hard Copy Applications
The Financial Recognition Scheme also offers the option of submitting a hard copy application by post for those who are not comfortable with using the online application process. Please call the Veterans UK Helpline, who will be able to provide you with a copy of the application form, together with a return envelope. Remember to take a copy of your completed application form, and only send copies of supporting evidence, not originals.
The contact details for the Veterans UK Helpline are:
Freephone (UK only) 0808 1914 2 18 Normal service 8.00 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday
Telephone (overseas) +44 1253 866 043 Normal service 8.00 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday
(Email [email protected])
FR Scheme Contact: Questions or queries regarding the LGBT Financial Recognitions Scheme should be addressed to:
Email: [email protected]
Post: Freepost LGBT FR SCHEME
Fighting With Pride will provide advice, guidance and support. Contact us here Get in Touch
Full and detailed information is contained in the following MOD documents:
LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme Guide (Version 1 December 2024)
FR Scheme Guidance. A straightforward 16-page guide containing information on eligibility criteria, scheme payments, how to apply, supporting documents, help to complete an application, the appeal process, HMRC and DWP exemptions, and payments.
LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme Rules (Version 1 13.12.24)
Scheme Rules: LGBT_Financial_Recognition_Scheme_-_scheme_rules.pdf
FR Scheme Rules. Contents Guide:
A more detailed 57-page document providing more detail:
Part 1. Background, Definitions, HMRC and DWP Exemptions
Part 2. Eligibility, Types of FR – Dismissed Discharged and Impact, Underspend
Part3. The Application Process, Representatives, Terminally Ill, and Death post-application submissions, Application Methods, Supporting Information and Evidence, New or Changed Information.
Part 4. Processing applications, applications, accepting payment, Independent Panel, Suspension Rules, and payment.
Part 5. Appeal Process
Part 6. Governance and Additional Scheme Rules
LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme – Frequently asked questions
Top frequently asked questions for the LGBT Financial Recognition (FR) Scheme.
If you missed the announcement of the scheme and the Lord Etherton Report debate in the House of Commons on the 12th Dec 2024, you can watch it HERE.